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Nadia Jansevanrensburg

Nadia Jansevanrensburg
Nadia Jansevanrensburg

11 yrs. experience

9 students


I am a highly qualified and experienced educator with expertise in multiple subjects, including life sciences, social skills, English, Geography, and Computer Science. I am adept at teaching students across multiple curricula, including CBSE Board, A-level, and American. With a doctorate in education, I possess the skills and knowledge necessary to help students succeed in their academic pursuits. I have previously taught at Amalia Public Primary and have experience in teaching online with Teneo. My experience includes teaching children in grades 4-6 and 10-11, and I have a track record of helping her students achieve academic success. I have the ability to connect with students of all ages. Whether a student is struggling in a particular subject or seeking to excel in it, I have the expertise and dedication to help them achieve their goals! Book a session with me to know more.

Tutoring Sessions Offered

Tutor's Offerings

  • Computer Science or Lab
  • ESL - English as Second Language
  • English
  • Geography
  • Social Studies
  • A-Levels
  • American
  • CBSE
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11


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